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Mrs. T’s Sophomore AP Reading List


Adams, Richard                        Watership Down*

Alcott, Louisa                            Little Women*, Little Men, Rose in Bloom, Jo’s Boys

Agee, James                             A Death in the Family

Anderson, Maxwell                  Elizabeth the Queen

Anouilh, Jean                            Becket

Bagnold, Enid                            The Chalk Garden

Bradbury, Ray                          Fahrenheit 451*

Borland, Hal                              When Legends Die

Bronte, Charlotte                       Jane Eyre*, Villette

Bronte, Emily                             Wuthering Heights

Buck, Pearl                                The Good Earth*, Dragon Seed

Capote, Truman                        In Cold Blood

Cather, Willa                              My Antonia, Shadows on the Rock

Cervantes, Miguel                     Don Quixote

Christie, Agatha                        The Mousetrap

Clark, Walter Van T.                  The Ox-Bow Incident

Clarke, Arthur C.                       2001: A Space Odyssey

Collins, Wilkie                            The Moonstone

Cormier, Robert                         I am the Cheese

Craven, Margaret                      I Heard the Owl Call My Name

Dickens, Charles                       A Christmas Carol*, Oliver Twist*, David Copperfield

Doyle, Arthur                            Any Sherlock Holmes book*

Drury, Allen                               Advice and Consent

Dumas, Alexander                    The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers

Dumaurier, Daphne                   Rebecca

Eliot, George                             Silas Marner; The Mill on the Floss

Ellison, Ralph                             The Invisible Man*

Ferber, Edna                             Cimmaron, Giant

Forbes, Esther                          Johnny Tremain

Frank, Anne                              The Diary of a Young Girl

Frank, Pat                                  Alas, Babylon

Forster, E.M.                             A Passage to India

Forester, C.S.                           Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies

Galsworthy, John                     The Forsyte Sage, any volume

Gibson, W.                                The Miracle Worker

Giles, Janice Holt                      The Believers, any book

Green, Hannah                         I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

Greene, Graham                       The Heart of the Matter, The Power and the Glory

Glasgow, Ellen                          Barren Ground, Vein of Iron

Griffin, John H.                          Black Like Me*

Golding, William                         Lord of the Flies*

Goudge, Elizabeth                     Green Dolphin Street

Gunther, John                           Death, Be Not Proud

Hansbury, Lorraine                   A Raisin in the Sun

Hawthorne, Nathaniel               The House of the Seven Gables

Hellman, Lillian                           The Little Foxes

Herriott, James                          All Creatures Great and Small*

Hesse, Herman                         Siddhartha*

Hilton, James                             Goodbye, Mr. Chips, Lost Horizon

Hudson, W.H.                            Green Mansions

Hughes, Richard                       A High Wind in Jamaica

Hugo, Victor                              The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Miserables

Kafka, Franz                             The Metamorphosis*

Kantor, McKinley                       Andersonville

Keller, Helen                              The Story of My Life

Kipling, Rudyard                        Captains Courageous

Koestler, Arthur                        Darkness at Noon

Knowles, John                          A Separate Peace

Lord, Walter                              Day of Infamy, A Night to Remember

L’Engle, Madeleine                    any novel*

Llewellyn, Richard                    How Green Was My Valley

Lewis, C.S.                               The Narnia series (one book from it is OK), The Screwtape Letters

Malory, Thomas                        King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Marshall, Catherine                   Christy, A Man Called Peter

Michenor, James                       Centennial, Exodus, Texas, Space, The Source*, The Bridge at   Toko Ri

Orwell, George                         Animal Farm*

Parks, Gordon                           The Learning Tree

Pasternak, Boris                       Dr. Zhivago*

Peck, Richard                            A Day No Pigs Would Die

Paton, Alan                               Cry, the Beloved Country

Potok, Chaim                             The Chosen, My Name is Asher Lev

Rawlings, Marjorie                    The Yearling*

Read, Piers Paul                        Alive

Remarque, Erich M.                   All Quiet on the Western Front

Richter, Conrad                         Light in the Forest

Roberts, Kenneth                      Rabble in Arms

Salinger, J.D.                             The Catcher in the Rye

Saroyan, William                       The Human Comedy, My Name is Aram

Scott, Sir Walter                        Ivanhoe*

Seton, Anya                              The Winthrop Woman

Shelley, Mary W.                       Frankenstein

Shute, Neville                            On the Beach

Steinbeck, John                        Travels with Charlie*, Of Mice and Men

Stone, Irving                              The President’s Lady, any novel

Stuart, Jesse                            The Thread That Runs So True, any book

Stewart, Mary                           The Crystal Cave*, The Hollow Hills*, The Last Enchantment*, This Wicked Day

Tolkien, J.R.R.                           The Hobbit* or any book from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy*

Tolstoi, Leo                               Anna Karenina

Turgenev, Ivan                          Fathers and Sons

Twain, Mark                              Tom Sawyer*, The Prince and the Pauper*, A Connecticut Yankee

                                                  In King Arthur’s Court

Uris, Leon                                 Exodus, Trinity

Verne, Jules                             20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in 80 Days,

                                                  Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Mysterious Island

Voltaire                                     Candide

Wallace, Lew                            Ben Hur

Wharton, Edith                          The House of Mirth*

West, Jessamyn                       Cress Delahanty, Friendly Persuasion

White, T.H.                                Sword in the Stone, Book of Merlin, The Once and Future King*

Williams, Tennessee                 The Glass Menagerie*

Wister, Owen                           The Virginian

Wouk, Herman                          The Caine Mutiny Court Martial

Wyss, Johann                           The Swiss Family Robinson*

Zindel, Paul                               The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds*


  • = I have read this book or seen the live play of the book.

Please let me know of any errors on this list. Thanks! ­E. Sheppard

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